Cultivating Values, Ethics, & Innovation for a more Just, Equitable, & Viable Future
"The best way to predict the future...

is to CREATE it."

CAVEAT—the Center for Applied Values and Ethics in Advancing Technologies—is an interdisciplinary center at Crown College, University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).
With two locations, one on the UCSC main campus, and the other at the UCSC Research Park in Marina where we both do cutting edge research and host international conferences and workshops.
Bridging the academic- practitioner divide, we take a holistic approach to addressing society's biggest challenges at the intersection of ethics and technology.
We are committed to building a world of interconnectedness and interdependence that is rooted in solid critical thinking and academic research and rigor.
Each of our projects are framed by the
UN Sustainable Development Goals and
grounded in inclusion, diversity, and equity.
Through research, advocacy and outreach, our team of students works tirelessly with public and private organizations to create the future they would like to see.

to support
Values, Ethics & Innovation
that create a more
just, equitable, and viable
a collaborative environment for
long-term solutions where
ethical values go hand-in-hand with
scientific and technological

Data Dignity
We are our data.
We at CAVEAT are taking action to enshrine data rights in our legal and commercial practices.

The Tech Ethics Review Board (TERBo)
We transform the human centric IRB Process to one of long term thinking and planetary sustainability. Our board of experts will analyze tech companies through a lens of ethical values and provide a comprehensive score.

Twitter Hate Speech
Why does hateful tweets dominate Twitter?
How can we use Twitter data to give a unbiased perspective on public opinion?
We are using Twitter’s Live and historical data to create a visual representation that shows rises and falls of specific trends relevant to ethical and societal issues.

Medical Ethics
How do you do right when a human life in on the line?We are integrating bioethical practices with modern medicine. Partnering with the Santa Cruz Free Health Clinic, we are working to create a board of ethics for our local hospitals.

Contributing to building an index for assessing the positive contributions to our people and planet.
Governance Index